
Saskia Haalebos is a trained printmaker who uses performance and projections for installations based on text, colour and audio. She also writes experimental music scores and makes low-fi books and zines.

In the production phase, she is obsessively methodical. She often writes code, records field notes over several months and scans prints for animations frames. These processes are then used to create works that rely on chance and spontaneity. For example, News Room, invites the audience to create fake news by following a set of instructions, including selecting random words from packs of laboriously hand-stamped index cards.

Having dyslexia and synaesthesia means her processing style makes it possible to see the interconnectivity of everyday surroundings, internal and external, abstract and actual. Most of her work is about alternative forms of communication. She understands her environment in non-verbal ways, such as via colour, sensation, noise and tactility. Language is definitely not her first language.



2017 Bachelor of Visual Arts (First Class Honours), ANU School of Art and Design
2005 Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design, Canberra Institute of Technology
2001 Advanced Diploma of Electronic Design and Digital Imaging, Canberra Institute of Technology


2017 Art. Letter. Home, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2017 M16 Drawing Prize, M16 Artspace, Canberra
2017 Graduating Exhibition, School of Art and Design, ANU
2017 S P A C E _ E X H I B I T I O N: art inspired by Space Dungeon, The Goulburn Club, NSW
2017 EX MACHINA (collaboration with Nicci Haynes), Canberra Contemporary Art Space
2017 Call that Printmaking?, Megalo Print Studio and Gallery, Canberra
2017 Fake News, Canberra Contemporary Art Space, winner first prize
2017 Exquisite Corpse, Megalo Print Studio and Gallery, Canberra
2017 The Garage Gallery: A Walking Exhibition, You Are Here Festival, Canberra
2017 Making Design Research, School of Art and Design Gallery, ANU
2016 Untaming the Urban: a visual art response, part of the ANU Fenner School of Environment and Society symposium, Sculpture workshop, ANU School of Art, Canberra
2016 M16 Drawing Prize, M16 Artspace, Canberra, winner Eckersley's materials prize
2016 Graduating Exhibition, School of Art, ANU
2016 SOUNDCHECK + Random Choir + Random Poets performances, ANCA Gallery, Canberra—included in Year of Print, Print Council of Australia
2016 Score No. 0013, M16 Artspace, Canberra (solo)
2016 Score No. 0013, Sawtooth ARI, Launceston, Tasmania (solo)
2016 FLOOD performance, part of Speak Uneasy, Noted Festival, Smith’s Alternative, Canberra
2016 Artist Books, Chifley Library, ANU
2015 Digital Feast, A. Baker, New Acton, Canberra
2015 Collected Resonance: Session 1, Experimental Music Studio, School of Music, ANU
2015 Underground Prints, National Gallery of Australia carpark, Canberra. Facilitated by Alison Alder and curated by Roger Butler
2014 Divergence, Nishi Gallery, New Acton, Canberra
2013 BEAM Collective, Belconnen Arts Centre, Canberra


2017 Finalist, M16 Artspace Drawing Prize, Canberra
2017 School of Art & Design EASS Ampersand Duck Broadside Residency
2017 School of Art & Design EASS Canberra Contemporary Art Space Emerging Artists' Residency Award
2017 School of Art & Design EASS Gallery@BCS Group Exhibition Award
2017 School of Art & Design EASS Goulburn Regional Art Gallery Exhibition Award
2017 School of Art & Design EASS Megalo Print Studio Residency Award
2017 First prize, Fake News, Canberra Contemporary Art Space
2017 Sir Geoffrey Yeend Honours Scholarship, ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences
2016 Winner, M16 Artspace Drawing Prize, Eckersley's materials prize, Canberra

Image: Score No. 0017 (Carcinoma), 2016
Installation shot with etched 45 and animation. Duration 00:00:53
Courtesy of the artist


